Teaching kids at the SA Museum
As part of our partnership with the South Australian Museum, during this month of the National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year (https://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/event/npoty-2023), I work with the membership team to present a few workshops to members of the museum.
This week I ran a workshop for kids, showing them the basics of photography, and how to get the best out of there phone cameras.
Anraî and I had a great time working in the Discover Centre with 12 children under 13 and a whole mess of fun things to photograph. The pictures below will tell this story.
The kids were asked to pick their favourite photo from the event and send it to us and we’ll print it for them and it will be hung back in the discovery centre in a mini exhibition. At the end of the school holidays they can return to collect their artwork.
The points I wanted the kids to remember are these:
Know your camera
Protect and clean the lens
The light must fall on your subject, don’t believe your eyes!
Make it simple, photograph just what’s important
Engage with the subject, think, talk, retake
Review the pictures
Choose the best, ‘favourite‘ important ones
It was so much fun!