Love Legacy Workshop

The beginning of a crazy month of events and travel was at the Love Legacy Workshop at the Wynmere Estate in Mount Tambourine.

The format of this excellent little workshop run by Ebony from ZALI Photo and Film and Tahlia from Wylde Folk Studio is a two day emersion into how to run a professional legacy photography business. The Legacy intention is to photograph clients from their wedding through to newborn and family. Photographer for life. What a lovely idea.

Attendees were treated to not only great, solid information, but a series of styled shoots with models, decor, dresses, flowers, cars….it went on! So much beauty in the one place. It was amazing.

Love Legacy Workshop.

Paul Atkins

Boats, photography, family...or perhaps it's the other way around, I can never remember...

Pet Photographer’s Club in the house!


Vale Mike Connell